Wanted Full Time Nurses (Burnaby)

Employer: Karp Home Care
Location: Burnaby, BC, Canada
Budget: $20 per hour
Click this to apply or know more details...


  1. Hello,

    this is to let you and your readers know about our debt affiliate program. Anyone with a website or blog can promote our services, this is a great opportunity for those working from home. You can earn From Referring People Who Need Debt Help:

    Every time a person you refer to the website accepts a telephone call from one of our counselors receive a $25.00 commission.

    Why should I Join Your Debt Affiliate Program?
    • We are the largest debt community in the world with over 190,000 members and 450,000 visitors per month as per October, 2009 Google Analytics. We are in this business for more than 6 years now.
    • Our Affiliate system is highly secured. We'll keep all your personal information for contacting you during the process of payment. We'll never share your contact details with anyone else.
    • We believe in making fair and prompt payment to our affiliates.
    • We never resale debt consolidation leads (or other qualified leads) to more than one partner. We contact a debt relief lead 7 times before declaring it as a dead lead.

    Who can join our Affiliate System?
    Ans: Any person from anywhere in the world can join our pay per lead affiliate programs. But we pay for debt relief leads (credit card debt leads and others) from US only (as of now).

    For more information regarding affiliate program please write to Mike Wallens at info@pemperandgartle.com/

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